This is the one of most valuable resources for a human on earth
Amount of free time determines a lot. How much time a person spends on work, study and other socially useful activities, with the aim to purchase other important resources such as money knowledge or status, determines the amount of time he can spend on himself, on his family and health. In fact, the amount of free time is directly proportional to human happiness.
Our niche
Is an automated irrigation systems
The purpose of which is precisely to win this treasured resource - Time. Millions of people on the planet, saving 1 hour of time per day, free from watering their green spaces, are able to be a little bit happier, making a little bit happier people around them.
Our goal
To build a handy tool
Thereby providing contractors who are installing automatic irrigation systems, the opportunity to save time by supplying them with modern software that allows to make estimates, design, installs and maintenance of systems much faster.

Made by contractor for contractors
The main goal of this online service is to minimize the amount of time that passes from the moment of receiving the technical requirements for the design of irrigation to the moment of providing the customer with a commercial proposal, without neglecting the quality and accuracy of the project. This is achieved by automating routine tasks, such as counting fittings or calculating pipe diameters. The program implements a system for automatic detection of nozzles from a selected series under user-defined geometric characteristics of the coverage area in order to speed up their placement on the site. And many, many convenient features.
Irrisketch is constantly being improved
Thanks to your feedback and our brave testers, we are constantly improving our product, adjusting it to the real needs of people who are engaged in our profession. By leaving feedback you are helping, to create a new, improved way to solve the problem of creating optimal automated irrigation systems
No installation required on computer
Irrisketch is an online service that securely stores all your projects in the cloud. You do not need to install any software on your computer. And you can access your projects from any device connected to the Internet, be it a smartphone or a computer, from anywhere in the world.
Used third-party libraries
IRRISketch is powered by PaperJS, an open source library (MIT License)
The following libraries and frameworks are also used:
- Bootstrap 4 (MIT)
- Fontawesome 5 (MIT)
- jQuery 3 (Apache License V2.0)
- PDF.js (Apache License V2.0)
- underscorejs (MIT)
- js-xlsx (Apache License V2.0)
- FileSaver (MIT)
- async (MIT)
- Blob (MIT)
- bootstrap-tagsinput (MIT)
- typeahead.js (MIT)
- slick (MIT)
- placeholder-loading (MIT)
- Cropper.js (MIT)
- clipboard.js (MIT)
- cpexcel.js (Apache License V2.0)
German Representative
This man is always at the cutting edge of high technology in irrigation systems. If he is digging, he is only using a gasoline tool called a georipper. If he takes measurements, he only takes 'moasure' roulette. If he mows the lawn, then only with a lawn mower robot. In general, he's like Anton, but only an improved version.